About the event

Adult safeguarding can raise significant legal and ethical dilemmas, sometimes in circumstances where the stakes for the adult concerned are high.

It is important for practitioners to be confident in the way they understand and apply the law when it comes to adult safeguarding, and our legal masterclass will help you achieve this.

The day’s sessions will examine:

  • The legal framework surrounding adult safeguarding.

  • Lessons for practice from the second national analysis of safeguarding adult reviews.

  • What the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court can and cannot do in relation to safeguarding adults.

  • The challenges that arise when assessing capacity in safeguarding cases.

  • The law around safeguarding referrals that feature self-neglect and hoarding.

View the programme for full details

What attendees from previous Community Care masterclasses had to say:

"One of the best courses I've ever been on."
"Interesting, stimulating, very relevant to our day job, I learnt a lot."
"I felt privileged to be attending such an informative and inspiring event. I was completely absorbed by the speakers presentations, to such an extent that the day flew by."
"This training was amazing - the trainers used accessible language and were so engaging."
"Although the session was aimed at social workers and similar, I found it hugely beneficial to my work in the world of Health and safety as all relevant stakeholders should be working together towards a shared goal that the person supported wants and needs."
"Extremely valuable and useful information/analysis that will be put to use immediately in regard to future practice."